The Pope has officially granted a Plenary Indulgence to all faithful who visit the Parish of St. James the Apostle in Medjugorje as pilgrims during the Jubilee Year 2025.
We can exclusively reveal the original Latin text (below) that was sent by letter and signed by Cardinal Angelo Donatis and Bishop Krzysztof Józef Nykiel of the Apostolic Penitentiary on behalf of Pope Francis, and the official English translation.
This extraordinary grace was requested by Archbishop Aldo Cavalli, the Apostolic Visitor to the parish of St. James in Medjugorje, and has now been officially confirmed by the Parish of St James Medjugorje here.
The decree is valid throughout the entire Jubilee Year 2025.
Conditions for Receiving the Plenary Indulgence
- Visit the Parish of St. James in Medjugorje as an act of pilgrimage and participate devoutly in the Jubilee celebrations, or at least spend a suitable amount of time in prayerful meditation, concluding with the Our Father, the Creed, and invocations to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Receive Sacramental Confession.
- Partake in Eucharistic Communion.
- Pray for the Intentions of the Holy Father.
For the sick, the elderly, and those unable to leave their homes due to serious reasons, the indulgence may also be obtained if they unite themselves spiritually with the Jubilee celebrations, detach from all sin, and offer their sufferings and life’s difficulties to God’s mercy.
PAENITENTIARIA APOSTOLICA, ad augendam fidelium religionem animarumque salutem, vi facultatum sibi specialissimo modo a Sanctissimo in Christo Patre et Domino Nostro, Domino Francisco Divina Providentia Papa tributaram, attentis precibus nuper allatis ab Exc.mo Domino Aldone Cavalli, Archiepiscopo tit. Vibonensi, Visitatoro Apostolico per Sancti Iacobi Apostoli Paroeciam de Mesoropoli, Mandetariensis-Dumensis Dioeceseos, de immensa Dei misericordia caelestibusque Ecclesiae thesauris benignae concedit plenariam Indulgentiam, suetis sub conditionibus (sacramentali Confessione, eucharistica Communione et oratione ad mentem Summi Pontificis) a christifidelibus vere paenitentibus atque caritate compulsis totum per Iubilaeum ordinarium anni MMXXV lucrandam, quam etiam animabus fidelium in Purgatorio detentis per modum suffragii applicare possint, si paroecialem Sancti Iacobi Apostoli ecclesiam de Mesoropoli in forma peregrinationis inviserint et ibi iubilariibus ritibus devote interfuerint, vel saltem per congruum temporis spatium piis vacaverint considerationibus, concludendis Oratione Dominica, Symbolo Fidei invocationibusque Beatae Mariae Virginis.
Senes, infirmi necnon eos curantes omnesque qui gravi causa domo exire nequeunt, pariter plenariam consequi poterunt Indulgentiam, concepta detestatione cuiusque peccati et intentione praestandi, ubi primum licebit, tres consuetas condiciones, si iubilariibus celebrationibus se spiritualiter adiuxerint, precibus doloribus suis vel incomodis propriae vitae misericordi Deo oblatis.
Quo igitur accessus, ad divinam veniam per Ecclesiae claves consequendam, facilior pro pastorali caritate evadat, haec Paenitentiaria enixe rogat ut sacerdotes opportunis facultatibus ad confessiones excipiendas praediti, prompto, generoso et misericordi animo, celebrationi Paenitentiae sese praebeant.
Praesenti totum per Iubilaeum ordinarium anni MMXXV valituro. Non obstantibus in contrarium facientibus quibuscumque.
Datum Romae, ex aedibus Paenitentiariae Apostolicae, die XXIV mensis Decembris, anno Dominicae Incarnationis MMXXIV.
✠ Angelo Card. de Donatis Paenitentiarius Maior
✠ Amplitudinar. Iosephus NykielEpiscopus tit. Veliiensis, RegensOfficial Latin Text of the Vatican Decree
The Apostolic Penitentiary, with the purpose of increasing the piety of the faithful and the salvation of souls, by virtue of the faculties bestowed upon him in a most special way by our Most Holy Father in Christ Our Lord, Pope Francis, by Divine Providence, attentively considering the recent petitions presented by His Excellency Aldo Cavalli, Titular Archbishop of Vibo, Apostolic Visitor for the Parish of Saint James the Apostle in Medjugorje, of the Diocese of Mostar-Duvno, graciously grants a Plenary Indulgence from the treasury of the Church’s heavenly mercy, under the usual conditions (sacramental Confession, Eucharistic Communion, and prayer for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff), to the faithful who are truly penitent and moved by charity, which they can obtain throughout the Ordinary Jubilee Year of 2025, and which they can also use as a prayer for the souls of the faithful in purgatory if they make a pilgrimage to the parish church of St. James the Apostle in Medjugorje and devoutly participate in the Jubilee rites there or at least dedicate appropriate time to pious prayers, including the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed and the invocations of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The elderly, the infirm, and all those who for serious reasons cannot leave their homes, can likewise obtain the Plenary Indulgence, having conceived the intention of detachment from any sin and with the intention of fulfilling, as soon as they are able, the three usual conditions, if they spiritually unite themselves to the jubilee celebrations, offering their prayers, sufferings, or the inconveniences of their own lives to the merciful God. Therefore, to facilitate access to divine forgiveness through the keys of the Church out of pastoral charity, this Penitentiary earnestly requests that priests endowed with appropriate faculties to hear confessions make themselves available with a prompt, generous, and merciful spirit for the celebration of Penance. This decree is valid throughout the Ordinary Jubilee Year of 2025. No contrary provisions shall hinder its execution.
Given in Rome, at the Apostolic Penitentiary, on the 24th day of December, in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 2024.
✠ Angelo Card. de Donatis Paenitentiarius Maior
✠ Krzysztof Józef Nykiel Titular Bishop of Velli, RegentOfficial English Text of the Vatican Decree